SeaQurrent gets the metal wet!
SeaQurrent gets the metal wet!
After an exciting, and intensive period of construction, and assembly, the TidalKite was ready to go into the water in Q4 2022. The focus of these first fresh water tests was to calibrate the TidalKite, to check all its functions and further tune control systems, handling procedures and equipment. Demonstration of the TidalKite will continue throughout 2023, at SeaQurrent’s grid connected test site, near Ameland in the Dutch Wadden Sea, after final preparational tuning.
TidalKite is unique in its ability to deployed in shallow waters with lower velocities, as available near Ameland, and on most locations worldwide. Tidal currents are a local renewable energy source, driven by the moon and hence are very predictable and available every day. This makes tidal energy a unique resource contributing substantially to security of supply, and a cost-efficient and reliable (islands’) energy system.
“With TidalKite we aim to deliver an important and significant solution to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy mix. Demonstrating the TidalKite system on a larger scale brings us closer to the development of pilot projects and deployment of systems internationally.”
Maarten Berkhout Co-founder and project director